Sunday, November 11, 2018

Is Isagenix The Best Weight Loss Program?

What Is Isagenix?

Isagenix is a supplement company that markets weight-loss products/programs. These products include meal replacement shakes, detox formulas and energy boosters. According to company information, there are no laxatives in any cleanse/detox formulas. This is a good because some laxatives can cause negative side effects. Some ingredients in Isagenix products have impressive clinical support, which extremely desirable when researching weight loss solutions.

Isagenix was introduced to the market around 2002. Most ingredients appear to be all-natural ingredients, which is good but it doesn't always mean they are free for any negative potential side effects. Isagenix products can be purchased by phone, online, or from independent distributors. The company has been in business for over 13 years, and has a good BBB rating.

What Does Isagenix Cost?

Make no mistake. Isagenix products are expensive. Though some may say, "You can't put a price tag on weight-loss", there may be a problem with a company that charges two or three times more than most.For example, you can purchase the 30-day weight-loss program for around $350. Though we must keep in mind that what may be a high cost to some may not expensive to another, according to several Isagenix reviews.

Some Buyers Say - "Not Good"

In several Isagenix reviews, customers complained about taste, cost, side effects and a cost of other issues. One dieter said, "All of this stuff tastes nasty. Like a big glass of grape cough syrup."

Another claimed, "I didn't like it. It made me feel nasty. It wasn't what I expected. Didn't work for me,"

There were also positive reviews of Isagenix.

One user said, "It just becomes a way of life... a healthy way of life."

While another said, "I have had success with weight loss and feeling better with these products."

Scientific Evidence?

Isagenix has very strong marketing materials. But as for science, there's not much to speak of on the official website. However, if you do a search of peer-reviewed journals, you'll find that meal replacements, especially those that are high in protein and fiber can be used to effectively curb the appetite by slowing down digestion. Isagenix products do contain whey, but the formula doesn't seem to be doesn't appear to be enriched with fiber. However, the supplements in the line have green tea extract and cayenne. Both these ingredients have proven to be effective in facilitating weight loss through increased metabolism.

Does Isagenix Work?

Though the Isagenix company has a more than 12 year history behind and a supportive customer service department, the company doesn't bother to share clinical research, though extensive research exists including animal and human trials. There are plenty of studies available for ingredients like whey protein and green tea extract. With that being said, just because there is strong customer support, doesn't mean Isagenix products are stronger or better than the competition. That's one place the business failed to sell me.

When the time comes for you to shed those extra pounds, I suggest a supplement with a formula consisting of clinically tested ingredients, that are supported by plenty of strong customer reviews which is backed by a company that goes out of it's way to present all of the facts.

Despite the lack of clinical presentation, there is still a lot to like about Isagenix's IsaLean shakes. They contain a lot of protein (which is important for building muscle), they curb hunger for a substantial amount of time, according to their customers, and have a thicker consistency and sweeter flavor than some other similar products.

My biggest issue with Isagenix product I haven't mentioned as of yet. Weight loss supplements are meant to be just that, supplemental. By definition, something that completes or enhances something else when added to it. Every person that I have met on the Isagenix program was substituting two meals with a drink or shake. In my opinion, this is unhealthy. The basis of a healthy weight loss is eating healthy food. I believe a program that advocates substituting more than one meal a day is unhealthy.

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